Undergraduate Financial Aid


Financial Aid is a Partnership 

Incoming traditional undergraduate  may use Saint Mary's College Net Price Calculator tool to help determine what estimated scholarships and other financial aid assistance is available to them as well as what the actual cost will be at Saint Mary's College.

Start by checking your eligibility and how to apply. We encourage you to explore scholarship websites and outside scholarships offered by private organizations, corporations, etc. 

Our financial aid staff will sit down with you to go through the financial aid process step-by-step if you need it. Every student's situation is unique but it's our mission to do everything we can to help make Saint Mary's affordable for you and your family. 

Need to set up an appointment? Have questions? Call the Financial Aid Office at (925) 631-4370 or email finaid@robynmcvey.com.

For information on the cost of attendance, click here.

For information on tuition and fees, click here.

For information on professional judgement, click here.


Students laying on the grass with their heads together in a star shape

Estimate Your Cost of Attendance

Incoming undergraduate should use the College's Net Price Calculator tool to help determine what estimated scholarships and other financial aid assistance are available to them as well as what the actual cost will be to attend Saint Mary's College.

A student working on a computer with ear buds in

Apply for FAFSA

Estimate your cost of attendance by applying for FAFSA as soon as possible. We can’t offer you any aid until we've received your completed FAFSA forms.

Undergraduate Scholarships

Scholarships are available to students from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. The scholarships can range from $2,000 to full tuition per academic year. Undergraduate scholarships are awarded on a need and merit basis and many are renewed yearly.

2 students in class looking at one laptop
The front of the SMC gym with a sign for the University Credit Union Pavilion

University Credit Union

University Credit Union is partnered with Saint Mary’s College of California; students, alumni, staff, and faculty are eligible to open an account. Learn about financial educational opportunities including attending workshops and seminars.